Friday, October 14, 2011

Descriptive Writing

My class is doing a Monster Match writing activity. We teamed up with another class in the district.

The kids start off by brainstorming. They draw their monster and label the features of the monster. Make sure to have them be specific. Then the kids make a final draft of their monster coloring in the lines and adding finishing touches.

Then fill out an ice cream cone graphic organizer stopping to think about the topic and four main details.

Introduce what a topic sentence is and how to write a topic sentence. Begin drafting the descriptive paragraph by including a topic sentence, details and a concluding sentence. (I ran out of room on my chart paper so started to write on board-no pic)

I used this activity to walk my kids through a writing check-list. We went through the writing process.

At the end of this lovely project, we will switch descriptive paragraphs with the other class and the kids will draw a monster based on the descriptions. We will then skype and compare the drawings and see how close the drawings are. Fun, huh?!:0)

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